Saturday, November 17, 2007

Documenting another Hilda-only moment

Just completed 2 sets of OSCEs and as usual, have a funny story to tell about the stupid things Hilda does during the exams (she invariably will have at least one). Had this station with a guy who had come into the GP coz his girlfriend thinks he's drinking too much and we were asked to take an alcohol history. The interview was going well, and I was on a roll, asking all the right questions, "how much are you drinking, how many times a week, what sort of alcohol do you drink etc..." then suddenly I remembered I had to see if he had developed tolerance towards alcohol. And coz he was the cool, shaggy haired, tattoo type, and since he wasn't happy about coming in to see the GP, I felt like I had to develop more of a connection and for some strange, only God knows why reason I said " so, do you feel you have to drink more nowadays to get the same effect, like you know, the same BUZZ?" Oh my gosh, what I was thinking I honestly do not know but it came out so wrong and the patient couldn't help but giggle. And then it all went downhill from there. Lesson learnt? Hilda should NEVER try to sound cool. Especially not in the OSCEs.

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