Sunday, September 17, 2006

Boys don't drool but girls still rule

Lunch today was spent in the company of two of my closest friends in Melbourne, J and XL. I love being in the company of good girlfriends- it allows much freedom of expression to whinge about the sorry state of our studies, or laugh at the quirks expressed by the "other gender". Though having said that, I do enjoy the company of this "other gender"- despite the fact that as you get to know them better you begin to discover that many of them are phenotypically extremely XX- they nonetheless make very endearing friends indeed.

Here's why:
1) XYs can tell you they don't want to eat the cookie coz they don't want to be fat just like you and have absolutely no remorse thereafter
2) XYs can unabashedly announce through a large mouthful of food that you should not to eat that last piece of dimsum you've been eyeing for the last 10 mins lest you put on weight
3) XYs can develop sudden and complete cortical blindness when they see you carrying a heavy bag but if you stop in your track, dump the bags on their toes and refuse to budge till they help you with it they grudgingly will
4) when XYs have insulted you and you can't find words to retort back you can always hit them-- hard and they won't hit back
5) XYs wordlessly put up with our indiosyncracies and indecisiveness with regards to eating decisions. thanks guys!
6) XYs will patiently listen to your litany of rants about relationships and the inequalities of marriage and how hard it is to be female these days and silently smile and nod. Wise boys.

So all in all, I think I shall make a concession to the wise adage "Girls rule and boys drool".

Maybe boys don't drool after all, but girls still rule. =)

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