Saturday, April 15, 2006

To my baby boy Pogo

15th March 2005

We got 2 new dogs-- a lab and a goldie. The goldie I am told is an excitable little thing and the lab is a undergrown, meek mite of a dog. Part of me is happy and excited about having them, part of me just feels apprehensive and reluctant to go through all that sadness at the end of their lives.But most importantly, the Goldie rakes up memories of Pogo. And suddenly I really miss him, all of him-- his stubborness, his anchoring himself in the middle of the road, his floppy, triangular ears, his pink little tongue with it's two black spots on the side, his baby doll eyelashes, his favourite pose with his head between his paws, the wave of coat that kept me hopeful till it stopped just above his shoulder blades...Oh baby boy, a part of me remembers how you died and feels so remorseful because we, your humans, didn't notice the signs in time to stop your cancer from spreading. But I just want you to know that we would have, you know, we would have given all we could to stop your illness and your suffering.If only we had known.

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