Saturday, April 15, 2006

Pre-Birthday thoughts

6th April 2005 (Wednesday)

It is my birthday on Saturday-- my 21st Birthday. Jiey, with the help of some friends, is throwing me a “surprise” party. I guess you might say it isn’t quite a surprise, considering the fact that I’m not only aware that a party is going to be held, I’m even in the know as to when and where it will be; the Surprise! Element lies in the who and the what, I suppose. Who will be coming? What will the decorations be like? What food will there be? I am told to boot myself out of the house over Thursday evening and the entire Friday, only to reappear on Saturday evening (so make an intelligent guess when the party is?). Amidst all this fuss, I’m walking around under this façade of sublime indifference, but- all truth be known- under all my pretentious non-chalance, I’m shamelessly lapping up every bit of attention bestowed upon me. Haha… It is undignified, I know, but it is after all my 21st, isn’t it? And seeing that you’re 21 only once in your life, a bit of fuss over you is warranted, don’t you think?

On a more reflective note, I just wanted to say that to me, birthdays are never about presents or parties per se- they are about people. They are about people saying- you’re important to me and I wish you well in this new year of life. The parties and presents are about people saying you’re loved and treasured, so much so that they want to make your day unforgettably happy. That’s why to me, the size of the party or the number of presents I receive really is inconsequential. Cliched as it may sound, on my birthday or any other celebratory day alike, all well wishes are uniquely special- because, truly, it is the thought alone that counts.

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