Saturday, April 15, 2006

A Note of Welcome

14th April 2006

I’d never thought this moment would come—the moment when I’d feel brave enough to venture forth some of my weird and wonky thoughts into public scrutiny.

Perhaps it is Time that has planted this seed of courage in me. Or perhaps simply that time has brought about a change in perspective. I had always solemnly promised myself that I would write for no other but myself. My writing would serve only to explore my world within or to see myself with greater clarity within its lines. To write for others would be akin to tainting one's writing because then one's thoughts would have to be more filtered, more halting and much much less honest.

But I see different now.

Writing shouldn’t be stifled into being merely a process of self analysis; writing should also reflect a journey—the journey that traces a thought from start to end, the journey that captures the ever-changing seasons of life.

And it is on this note that I invite you to embark on this journey with me-- a journey which I truly hope you will find to be an enjoyable one.

P.S The blog entries below are a collection of pieces written between Feb 2005 and April 2006-- little fragments of memories I tried to capture in words-- which I never had the courage to post till now.

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