Saturday, April 15, 2006

Day at the Campsies

1st March 2005

I hiked up the campsies on Sat and it was simply smashing. The weather was excellent and snow wise, the mountain didn't disappoint. PS and I were rolling about in the snow till our butts were soaking wet. And with the aid of the cold, they soon became frozen and numb. And since I had no feeling in it by that time, on our descent, I thoguht I might as well sit on the snow and slide down the hill! Whoopee! Butt Sliding! I think I just invented a new sport, eh? Which makes me wonder what type of butts will be advantageous. U see, big flat butts would offer a large surface area which prevents too much pressure at one point but (or shall I say butt?) would also result in too much friction. Small pointy ones would offer less resistance, but would be slowed down as the butt bone, devoid of any padding, digs into the snow. Oh well, rocket science, eh? Give it some thought.

Well anyhow, back to what we did. After we descended the hill, we sat in the tearoom and INDULGED. Oh manz... Eclairs and cakes and soup and bread and rhubarb and cherry slices. And after all that we were quite quite broke. Couldn't leave them a tip but we did leave them 2 damp patches on their seats. (oops)

We took the bus home and PS cooked dinner while I defrosted my behind in the shower before heading out to the cinema to watch Spanglish. Good show, it was. We thoroughly enjoyed it.

Yeah, so that was my splendidly hedonistic weekend. Come out of it undeniably fatter but wildly happy.=)

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